A stunning little short film made by Alexander Vladimirovich Semenov, a 21 year old from Russia.
My new video experiment, based on Michael Bay’s Transformers, for you and myself)) This short film was shot in 2 hours. Edited in month=) For shooting I used my new camera Canon 550D (+ kit lens 18-55mm + 50mm 1.8) and a little bit my friend’s camera Nikon D5000 (+ kit lens 18-55mm).
Transformers from repey815 on Vimeo.
For two minutes I suspended my disbelief and watched this short film. Sci-fi never really attracts me, but I just can't stop appreciating the effort behind every sci-fi film. It is the sweat of the brow that I wish to commend, and thanks to this small film by a FAN, who illuminated this to me. But still, the sci-fi film does not attract me- only the effort behind it!